8 thoughts on “Looking for the mouse

  1. fcb

    asta e un fel de ted.com :)) zee good old days… ze gold days. 🙂 pe de alta parte e putin tulburator raportu ala de 100 milioane de ore la… 2 miliarde sau cat era. daca e adevarat. faza cu wikicrimes parca e luata din ciudade dos homens. si din pacate am intrat pe site si nu prea merge: erau cam 2000 de inregistrari de crime. mult prea putin pt o tara ca brazilia ca sa fie util cuiva (inca).

  2. Diana

    Cu 2 idei am ramas:

    “Here’s what 4 year olds know: A screen that ships without a mouse ships broken.

    Media that’s targeted at you but doesn’t include you may not be worth sitting still for.”

    Transcriptul discursului: http://twitter.com/gapingvoid/statuses/808691992

    Adi, de cand stai tu pe Twitter?! Oricum , micro-bloggingul nu-i de tine. Nu te prinde. Si asta-i un compliment. 🙂

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