Chris Tucker – Stand-up comedy

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You know one cool thing about women? Women get to have platonic friends. He’s my pal, he’s my bud, he’s my platonic friend, I love him like a brother… Men don’t have platonic friends, we just have women we haven’t fuck yet. Every platonic friend I got was a woman I was trying to fuck, I made a wrong turn somewhere and end it up in the friends zone.
Women keep their platonic friends forever? Why!? …cause you never know.

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11 thoughts on “Chris Tucker – Stand-up comedy

  1. amna

    that’s such a general, vague, imature thing to say…a wanna-be joke told by a wanna-be comedian, on a wanna-be’s blog.
    women have “platonic friends” because most men after the age of 20 are impotent – this is to equal the frustrated quality of your post.

  2. teardrop

    Adica vrei sa zici ca tot ce tine un barbat aproape de o femeie sunt nevoile fiziologice? Suna cam nasol. Uite, de exemplu, eu am amice cu care nu am pretentia sa mi-o trag, nu ma atrag in mod deosebit din acest pdv, dar cu care imi face placere sa discut si sa imi petrec timpul. Poate sunt denaturat eu 🙂 sau poate din cauza ca am petrecut f mult timp in compania femeilor, mi-am transformat modul de a (re)actiona fata de ele.
    SUNT UN STRICAT!!!!!!!!!! 🙁

  3. sunhunter Post author

    am vrut mult sa uploadez mp3-ul cu pricina, insa n-am reusit, m-am multumit sa postez doar cateva citate “esentiale”. Oricum ideea era umorul, nu neaparat ideea pe care n-o comentez acum
    asadar, teardrop si diamond: adica nu vreau sa zic si nu zau asa:)

  4. Silversun

    super tare frate tine-o tot asa da nu-l mai plagia pe saracu chris rock ca am vazut si io stand-upu ala 😉 Astept chestii originale din partea ta 😛


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