Quotes from Rant

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This is how fast your life can turn around.
How the future you have tomorrow won’t be the same future you had yesterday.

Some people are just born human. The rest of us, we take a lifetime to get there.

It’s been my experience that plenty of young people look at their newborns as a practical joke.

We all have this moment, when your folks first see you as someone not growning up to be them.

My take is you’re no born loving anybody. Love is a skill you learn. Like house-training a dog. Maybe a talent you do or do not build up. Like a muscle.

Any good salesman will tell you: Before a customer care how much you know, that customer wants to know how much you care.
And your truly effective salesman, he knows how to fake that he really, truly does give a shit.

Getting bit by a rattlesnake, that’s pretty low-tech.

Buster Casey was the kind of mistake a girl needs to make while she’s still young enough to recover.

Every lick is an investment in getting licked back.

Every family is a regular little cult.

Legal counsel advised no direct condemnation of erecions on school propriety.

Beginning with Santa Claus as a cognitive exercise, a child is encouraged to share the same idea of reality as his peers.

I came to Party Crashing because accidents happen. People you love will die. Nothing you treasure will last forever. And I need to accept and embrace that fact.

Any idea of Progress depends on not looking at the past too closely.

What if reality is nothing but some disease?

Small towns have a tragic way of trapping young people and them answer for small mistakes with the rest of their lives.

P.S.: “În timpul summitului NATO de la Bucureşti citeam Palahniuk.” Ieri am început Monştri invizibili.

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13 thoughts on “Quotes from Rant

  1. Geo Atreides

    Amazing Invisible Monsters! As supralicita si as spune ca e cea mai buna carte a lui (n-am citit nimic mai nou ca Diary, inclusiv).
    Daca vrei, iti pot da ebookul (english, of course), e aranjat, etc.

  2. Adrian Ciubotaru Post author

    Geo, inca o citesc. Am cumparate si varianta originala si traducerea in romana. De vreme ce cineva s-a straduit s-o traduca, n-as risca sa pun on line e-book-ul:)

  3. Geo Atreides

    *geo verifica pretul*
    35 RONi?!! Sincer iti spun, daca as avea e-cartea in romana, le-as face pachet pe amandoua si l-as posta undeva unde sa le vada toata lumea (in speta la mine pe blog). Am facut aceeasi chestie cu Legiunea Arh. Mihail, de Armin (50 RONi), si o sa fac si cu alte carti (imediat ce-mi cade in brate un scanner. si cartile). Eu n-am delicateturi cu marile edituri.

  4. Adrian Ciubotaru Post author

    Da, vedem diferit situatia. Nu incerc sa ma dau rotund (citesc e-book-uri, vad filme de pe retea etc) si n-am delicateturi cu Polirom, insa in cazul asta mi se pare neavenita fortarea notei.

  5. Adrian Ciubotaru

    1. traducerea in romana abia a aparut. Cine ar fi fost interesat de carte, ar fi facut rost de originalul ei oricum. Poate peste cativa ani, o reproducere scanata on line a traducerii romanesti ar prinde bine on line (desi atunci va putea fi gasita in bibliotecile publice).
    Pana atunci, o editura a investit niste bani intr-o traducere si nu va sta cu mainile in san la o eventuala distribuire inegala a cartii.

    2. din partea mea, e un gest de respect pentru autor ce-l consider “greu” in peisajul literaturii contemporane sa incerc sa-i cumpar cartile.

    3. cartile lui Palahniuk in engleza pot fi gasite pe amazon.com la preturi derizorii. Cu 30 $ poti cumpara majoritatea romanelor lui (incluzand si taxele de transport).

  6. oompa

    Asa-i ca-mi imprumuti si mie Rant-ul? Priti pliz? 😀
    Sau, daca nu, spune-mi macar daca l-ai luat din Buc. Voiam si eu sa mi-l cumpar si ma gandeam sa dau o tura pe la Anthony Frost, desi nu cred sa am vreo sansa sa-l gasesc.
    Survivor ai citit? Mie astea doua mi-au mai ramas si vreau sa recuperez cat de repede 🙂

  7. Geo Atreides

    Good point number 2. Dar as prefera modelul Nine Inch Nails/borcanul cu bacsis: daca vrei, dai cat poti direct autorului, trecand peste editura, librarie (~30%) etc (la autor daca ajung 2-5% din pretul cartii, parca). Daca nu vrei, it’s free. E un model de succes; si radiohead si NIN au facut milioane asa. Aceeasi chestie si pentru traducator.
    Celelalte puncte: 1) i don’t care, i ain’t afraid (probabil fiindca sunt inconstient) 3) “pret derizoriu” inseamna altceva pentru fiecare.



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