About Steve Jobs

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Îmi doream mult să pun mâna pe biografia lui Steve Jobs atât pentru căutarea unui model, cât şi pentru curiozitatea de a cunoaşte câteva detalii despre peisajul digital din ultimele decenii.

Cartea nu excelează, însă nu m-a dezamăgit. Mi-a oferit atât incursiuni în gandirea şi viaţa lui Steve Jobs, cât  şi acele detalii pe care le căutam despre evoluţia erei digitale.

Această bigrafie reuşeşte să aducă lumină în unele aspecte ale personalităţii lui Steve Jobs şi, deşi a fost comandată încă din timpul vieţii sale, a dovedit că este mai mult decât un exerciţiu de branding personal post-mortem. Autorul nu şi-a menajat subiectul, reuşind să prezinte acele vulnerabilităţi care conturează farmecul unui adevărat lider.

Despre profilul lui Steve Jobs

Wozniak: “Jobs is a complex person and being manipulative is just the darker facet of the traits that make him successful.”

He was charismatic and a bit of a con man and could bend situations to his very strong will. He was mercurial, sure of himself, a little dictatorial.

He was able to turn charm into cunning force, to cajote and intimidate and distort reality with the power of his personality.

In the pas he had been rewarded for what his wife called his “magical thinking” – his assumption that he could will things to be as he wanted.

Both the dissembling and the truth-telling were simply different aspects of his Nietzschean attitude that ordinary rules didn’t apply to him.

Jobs’s interest in Eastern spirituality, Hinduism, Zen Buddhism, and the search of elightenment was not merely the passing phase of a nineteen-year-old.

Polite and velvety leaders, who take care to avoid bruising others, are generally not as effective ar forcing change.

Even later in life he would credit psychedelic drugs for making him more enlightened.

Steve had a tendency to look at vulnerabilities and neuroses and turn them into spiritual atributes.

Despre Apple şi valorile sale

He wanted a product that would, in his words, make a dent in the univers.

One of Jobs’s great strengths was knowing how to focus. “Deciding what not to do is as important as deciding what to do,” he said.

“I love the process of unpacking something. You design a ritual of umpacking to make the product feel special. Packaging can be theatre, it can create a story.”

The store will become the most powerful physical expression of the brand.

The iPod became the essence of everything Apple was destined to be: poetry connected with engineering, arts and creativity intersectinf with technology, design that’s bold and simple.

He has an uncanny ability to cook up gadgets that we didn’t know we needed, but then suddenly can’t live without.

In 2001 Jobs had a vision: Your personal computers would serve as a “digital hub” for a variety of lifestyle devices, such as music players, video recorders, phone and tablets.

Some people say, “Give the customers what they want.” But that’s not my approach. Our job is to figure out what they’re going to want before they do. I think Henry Ford once said, ‘If I’d asked customers that they wanted, they would have told me, “A faster horse!”

“There’s a temptation in out networked age to think that ideas can be developed by email and iChat,” he said. “That’s crazy. Creativity come from spontaneous meetings, from random discussions. You run into someone, you ask what they’re doing, you say ‘Wow,’ and soon you’re cooking up all sorts of ideas.”

Alte citate

Western rational thought is not an innate human characteristic; it is learned and is the great achievement of Western civilization. In the villages of Indiam thet never learned it. They learned something else, which is in some ways just as valuable but in other ways is not. That’s the power of intuition and experimental wisdom.

Reality distortion field: “If he’s decided that something should happen, then he’s going to make it happen.”

“Pretend to be completely in control and people will assume you are.”

“The journey is the reward.”

Jobs told Egan, as he had a few other friends, about his premonition that he would not live a long life. That was why he was driven and impatient.

Despre Finding Nemo: “I liked the film because it was about taking risks and learning to let those you love take risks.”

I think the biggest innovations of the twenty-first century will be the intersection of biology and technology.

By the early 1970s a shift was underway. Computing went from being dismissed as a tool of bureaucratic control to being embraced as a symbol of individual expression and liberation.

Otherwise, as Dylan says, if you’re not busy being born, you’re busy dying.

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