Social activism gains momentum

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Săptămâna trecută m-am întâlnit cu Corina Dumitrescu în vederea unui interviu pentru Business Review despre Lecturi Urbane. A fost unul dintre cele interviuri calde care seamănă mai mult cu statul la poveşti, iar la final îţi dai seama că – purtat de entuziasm şi de răbdarea cu care eşti ascultat – ai uitat de reportofon, de interviu şi de miza de-a acoperi toate detaliile pentru viitorul articol.

Articolul a surprins bine miza de personal social responsability cuprinsă în proiecte ca Lecturi Urbane, BikeWalk sau Via Sport.

Romanians often refer to themselves as a passive people, an attitude seen as a hangover from the communist years, when little could be done to protest against the government’s restrictive decisions. Twenty years have passed since the fall of communism, however, and a general hunger for doing, changing and contributing can be felt in the air. It might have taken a long time for people to start fighting for their rights, but given the rate with which social activism is developing, the tide has definitely turned. Citeşte întreg articolul pe Business Review

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