Legătura dintre copyright, lectură și dezvoltarea unei națiuni

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Did Germany experience rapid industrial expansion in the 19th century due to an absence of copyright law? A German historian argues that the massive proliferation of books, and thus knowledge, laid the foundation for the country’s industrial might.

In Germany during the same period, publishers had plagiarizers — who could reprint each new publication and sell it cheaply without fear of punishment — breathing down their necks. Successful publishers were the ones who took a sophisticated approach in reaction to these copycats and devised a form of publication still common today, issuing fancy editions for their wealthy customers and low-priced paperbacks for the masses.

The prospect of a wide readership motivated scientists in particular to publish the results of their research.

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1 thought on “Legătura dintre copyright, lectură și dezvoltarea unei națiuni

  1. chichilalescu

    curajos sa pui asa ceva pe blog. pe slashdot (nu stiu daca stii, slashdot.org) e un nene care are semnatura “Intellectual property law is philosophically incoherent. It is your moral duty to ignore it”. dezbaterea serioasa ar trebui sa inceapa in curand, mai ales in contextul ideii tampite de “software patent” (vezi http://eupat.ffii.org/ pentru o idee, daca nu ai auzit pana acum).

    ca cercetator, eu sunt platit pentru a descoperi o metoda de a rezolva o problema; in prezent se incearca sa se impuna modelul dupa care cercetatorul este platit pentru ca se foloseste descoperirea lui, cumva proportional cu numarul de folosiri (folosire cu licenta). ceea ce nu e corect.


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