The Pussy Psychic

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746Doua fragmente din Rant care m-au impresionat. E ultimul roman al lui Chuck Palahniuk, următorul – Snuff – va fi lansat pe 20 mai 2008. Sunt la jumătate cu lectura, îmi place la nebunie şi voi reveni cu câteva citate şi o mică recenzie în zilele următoare.
Pana atunci, fragmentele:

Echo Lawrence:
To make time stands still – what sand mandalas are to Buddhist monks and embroidery is to Irene Casey – eating pussy was to Rant. He used to wedge his face between my legs and slip his tongue into me. He’s come up on his elbows, smacking his lips, his chin dripping, and Rant would say, “You ate something with cinnamon for breakfast…” He’d lick his lips and roll his eyes, saying, “Not French toast… something else.” Rant would snor and gobble, then come up with his eyes shining, saying, “For breakfast, you drank a cup of Constant Comment tea. That’s the cinnamon.”
From just the smell and taste of me, he’d nail my whole day: tea, whole-meat toast whitout butter, plain yogurt, blueberries, a tempeh sandwich, one avocado, a glass of orange juice, and a beer salad.
“And you had an order of fast-food onion rings,” he’d say, and smack his lips. “A large order”
I called him “the Pussy Psychic.”
Echo Lawrence: One time, the face planted between my legs, Rant surfaced for air, picked a pubic hair off his tongue, and said, “What happened today?” Something bad happened…”
I told him to forget it.
He licked me and rolled his eyes, licked again, and said, “A parking ticket? No, something worse…”
I told him to forget it. I said nothing had happened.
Rant licked me again, only slower, dragging his tongue through me from back to front, his breath hot, and he looked up, staring, until I looked down to him. Met his green eyes.
He said, “I’m sorry.”, Rant said, “You lost your job today, didn’t you?”
My stupid fucking job I had, selling mobile fucking phones.
Like, he could find out anything with his nose, and from the taste of you. That was Rant Casey. Always right.
And between orgasms, I started to cry.

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8 thoughts on “The Pussy Psychic

  1. gia

    O sa ma abtin sa citesc paragraful tau, pentru ca vreau sa citesc cartea 🙂 Nu stiu ce fel de om e asta, Chuck, de ce imi place atat de mut stilul lui transant, rece, fioros pe alocuri, cinic si dezgustator uneori, poate pentru ca transmite o forta incredibila, o incredere de sine cum nu am mai intalnit… E singurul autor, dupa Eco, caruia i-am citit aproape toate cartile traduse (in afara de Fight Club, fiindca am vazut filmul), pe care le-am si cumparat 🙂

  2. Adrian Ciubotaru Post author

    pai, fragmentele date de mine nu dezvaluie cu nimic intriga cartii, ci doar arunca o lumina asupra complexitatii personajului principal, Rant Casey.

    vorbaretu’, de ce?:)


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